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  • Monday-Sunday 9:00 - 23:00
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OYA TICAD 8 Side-Event:

Accelerating Job Creation and Youth Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Agribusiness
Through Innovative Solutions and Digitalisation

Join us for OYA Virtual Side-event at TICAD 8!

At the occasion of The 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 8), OYA organizes a virtual side-event on: Opportunities for Youth in Africa (OYA): Accelerating Job Creation and Youth Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Agribusiness through Innovative Solutions and Digitalisation.”

Date: September 28, 2022, 11.00-12.30 GMT

Venue: Virtual (Zoom)

Format: Panel Discussion

OYA TICAD 8 Side-event

→ Read the invitation here

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The Opportunities for Youth in Africa (OYA) Programme was launched at TICAD 7 in August 2019. A joint initiative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), OYA has proven its capacity to build a better enabling environment for entrepreneurship in agriculture and agribusiness through strong success stories in its 6 areas for action: capacity-building, incubation services, access to financing, market access, building inclusive value chains and policy support.

OYA programme

The OYA programme aims to leverage on TICAD 8 to engage with stakeholders to raise awareness about persistent issues faced by youth in Africa and discuss best practices and innovative solutions that help address the identified challenges.

Side-event format

This panel discussion will gather stakeholders from different backgrounds, including representatives from international institutions and national governments, partners incubators and beneficiaries to share their perspectives on how innovative transformation and digitalisation can increase production and create economic opportunities for young men and women in Africa.

Side-event objective

The panelists will point to the need to engage both the public and private sectors, simultaneously at the micro-, meso- and macro-levels to provide young women and men with opportunities for capacity development and access to resources so that they may lead the transformation of the agricultural sector in the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


Janet Edeme


Felix Mutati
Dejene Tezera
Nomathemba Mhlanga
Afia Bobia Amanfo
Benjamin Gyan Kesse
Faten Hamdi

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